Title Šiltnamių Lietuvoje energinio naudingumo vertinimas taikant statinio informacinį modeliavimą /
Translation of Title Implementation of BIM modeling for the assessment of energy performance of greenhouses in Lithuania.
Authors Pudževelytė, Andžela
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Pages 44
Keywords [eng] energy efficiency ; greenhouse ; CO2 footprint
Abstract [eng] The final master's project "Implementation of BIM Modeling for the Assessment of Energy Performance of Greenhouses in Lithuania" models greenhouse variants and monitors which may change the modeling conditions for the energy consumption of heating and cooling systems. Use numerical and analytical studies to study the energy efficiency of greenhouses. Numerical - simulations performed using IDA ICE software, in which the virtual twin of the greenhouse is modeled. Simulations are performed for areas where the level of urbanization varies from low to high. The calculations monitor changes in the amount of energy required, ensure heating and cooling needs, calculate the CO2 footprint, and compare results. The relevance of the study is reviewed in the literature review section. Based on the literature review, simulations are performed, the results and their possible causes are described, and conclusions are presented. In total, the final project contains 33 tables, 19 figures, 40 references, and much of the research and analysis of the parameters of the chosen topic.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022