Title Deep learning in Alzheimer’s disease /
Authors Maskeliunas, Rytis
DOI 10.15388/DAMSS.12.2021
ISBN 9786090706732
eISBN 9786090706749
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Is Part of DAMSS 2021: 12th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 2–4, 2021 / Lithuanian computer society, Vilnius university Institute of data science and digital technologies, Lithuanian academy of sciences.. Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2021. p. 49.. ISBN 9786090706732. eISBN 9786090706749
Abstract [eng] Deep learning has shown tremendous potential in medical applications, not excluding hard to detect symptoms of Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Accessibility of data deriving from neuroimaging techniques, such as structural and functional MRI, positron emission tomography and imaging genetics allowed a breakthrough in clinical decision support. The presentation showcases a range of models and applications, discussing challenges and implications within this topic.
Published Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2021
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2021
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