Title Neoclassical model for the evaluation of factors affecting technological progress in manufacturing industry /
Translation of Title Neoklasikinis technologinės pažangos veiksnių apdirbamojoje pramonėje vertinimo modelis.
Authors Markauskas, Mantas
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Pages 170
Keywords [eng] technological progress ; manufacturing industry ; economic growth theories ; neoclassical economic growth models ; technological progress spillover effect
Abstract [eng] Every theory of economic development reconciles with a unique set of limitations in order to analyze economic development from a distinctive perspective. In case of most popular theories of economic growth, variable of technological progress is either analyzed as an exogenous variable, or variables influencing technological progress are not evaluated in detail. Aim of given research is to construct a model for the evaluation of factors affecting technological progress in the manufacturing industry, which represents how changes in factors influence variations of the values of technological progress. In case of Lithuanian manufacturing industry, to distinguish factors affecting changes in technological progress and analyze their effect on technological progress value changes time series regression model, vector autoregression model, Granger causality test and agent-based modelling framework were utilized. Conducted research distinguished net profit and labor productivity measures as variables influencing technological progress fluctuations most significantly, although their effect on technological progress value changes is distinctly different. Net profit measure affects technological progress values mainly through creation of technological progress spillover effect, which helps to generate technological progress that is shared between sectors operating in Lithuanian manufacturing industry. Labor productivity measure, on the other hand, produces technological progress development which is internal for each analyzed manufacturing sector.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021