Title Sharing economy in Lithuania: steady development with focus on transportation sector /
Authors Česnuitytė, Vida ; Dromantienė, Leta ; Bernotas, Dainius ; Banytė, Jūratė ; Vitkauskaitė, Elena ; Vaičiukynaitė, Eglė
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5546596
ISBN 9781911620303
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Is Part of The collaborative economy in action: European perspectives / lead editors: A. Klimczuk, V. Česnuitytė, G. Avram.. Limerick : University of Limerick, 2021. p. 178-196.. ISBN 9781911620303
Keywords [eng] sharing economy ; collaborative economy ; P2P sharing platform ; B2C sharing ; car-sharing ; accommodation sharing ; sharing of things ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The sharing economy is a new and underdeveloped phenomenon in Lithuania, starting from the definition of the concept in a state’s legal framework and scarce statistics. The aim of the paper is to describe the trends of the digitally supported sharing economy in Lithuania. Available national and international information and data were analysed. It was shown that the most popular services in Lithuania there is the transport sector, in the second place there is the accommodation sector, in the third—food-related services. The reasons why Lithuanians offer services via collaborative platforms mostly concern additional sources of income and flexible working hours. Over two-thirds of the habitants express their positive attitudes towards sharing economy and collaborative platforms, and over ninety per cent would recommend other services offered via collaborative platforms. Though 97% of the Lithuanians have never offered the services via sharing economy and collaborative platforms, and it is mostly because of no item or interest, and two-fifths do not know at all those collaborative platforms are. The development of the sharing economy in Lithuania as far is gaining speed, and in the future, the principles of these phenomena are going to be used in an even broader scope of the sectors.
Published Limerick : University of Limerick, 2021
Type Book part
Language English
Publication date 2021
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