Title Contours of citizen science: a vignette study /
Authors Haklay, Muki ; Fraisl, Dilek ; Tzovaras, Bastian Greshake ; Hecker, Suzanne ; Gold, Margaret ; Hager, Gerid ; Ceccaroni, Luigi ; Kieslinger, Barbara ; Wehn, Uta ; Woods, Sasha ; Nold, Christian ; Balázs, Balint ; Mazzonetto, Marzia ; Ruefenacht, Simone ; Shanley, Lea ; Wagenknecht, Katherin ; Motion, Alice ; Sforzi, Andrea ; Riemenschneider, Dorte ; Dorler, Daniel ; Heigl, Florian ; Shaefer, Teresa ; Lidner, Ariel ; Weißpflug, Maike ; Mačiulienė, Monika ; Vohland, Kathrin
DOI 10.1098/rsos.202108
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Is Part of Royal Society open science.. London : Royal society. 2021, vol. 8, iss. 8, art. no. 202108, p. 1-24.. ISSN 2054-5703
Keywords [eng] citizen science ; citizen engagement ; science communication
Abstract [eng] Citizen science has expanded rapidly over the past decades. Yet, defining citizen science and its boundaries remained a challenge, and this is reflected in the literature—for example in the proliferation of typologies and definitions. There is a need for identifying areas of agreement and disagreement within the citizen science practitioners community on what should be considered as citizen science activity. This paper describes the development and results of a survey that examined this issue, through the use of vignettes—short case descriptions that describe an activity, while asking the respondents to rate the activity on a scale from ‘not citizen science’ (0%) to ‘citizen science’ (100%). The survey included 50 vignettes, of which five were developed as clear cases of not-citizen science activities, five as widely accepted citizen science activities and the others addressing 10 factors and 61 sub-factors that can lead to controversy about an activity. The survey has attracted 333 respondents, who provided over 5100 ratings. The analysis demonstrates the plurality of understanding of what citizen science is and calls for an open understanding of what activities are included in the field.
Published London : Royal society
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description